Madman, I don;t know about your relatives but I do indeed have some slick dealers of fun in mine!!!!!
Boxer, More than a line, in my family of arch competetiveness it is a reality!
Moi, Being a wordsmith you probably would like them both IF you have other wordy people to play with. Neither game is for the clowns we all know. I only recently found the online game for Quiddler and while I do the daily puzzle, I prefer to play the actual game with opponents.
Howling funny Aunty! You musta played this game iffen you knows 'bout words like ichthyocoprolite. I 'spect you know this here game isn't played well by the dysgnosic, which you clearly are not.
I like the "slick dealers of fun" line.
I'm with MRM, "Slick Dealers of Fun" is a great line.
Happy Haiku Monday.
I've never played either game, but I know well, "Time lost to this spell."
I don;t know about your relatives but I do indeed have some slick dealers of fun in mine!!!!!
More than a line, in my family of arch competetiveness it is a reality!
Being a wordsmith you probably would like them both IF you have other wordy people to play with. Neither game is for the clowns we all know. I only recently found the online game for Quiddler and while I do the daily puzzle, I prefer to play the actual game with opponents.
Balderdash? It ain't
no ichthyocoprolite
Mermaid Mama plays
Howling funny Aunty!
You musta played this game iffen you knows 'bout words like
I 'spect you know this here game isn't played well by the dysgnosic,
which you clearly are not.
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