I was thinking, in these days of grim realities, we all need a little touch of joy and laughter.
Hope you all enjoy the vintage humor posted here.
Today, both my MotherFish and Mermaid should receive big, cheery Valentines packages from me. They are loved and I want them to feel the love no matter the distances.
When Mermaid was 5 she attended a private school with a very strict dress code. The shoes code was, "leather dress shoes". Which was meant to prevent the wearing of sneakers or sandels or Heaven forbid! flip flops.
On St. Valentine's morning,
Mermaid received a present from me to open before breakfast. Inside were red patent leather mary janes. The soles of the shoes had hearts in many sizes so every step in dirt or sand left this calling card. She loved those shoes, more importantly she so enjoyed leaving a "love letter" with every step.
In fact, I am thinking this might have been the start of Mermaids passion for shoes. She surely did not get this particular devotion from either of her parents... maybe from her Grandmamafish.
Today Mermaid will receive spring
boots in a big festively wrapped box. Inside there is an original art Valentine from her MamaFishy
and the boots.
Spring is the wet season in Mermaids location and since she starts her days at the equestrian center,
boots with serious treads and guaranteed waterproofness are really needed.
But they don't have to be plain ol military green, utilitarian looking things.
Not for our Mermaid!
In fact, when Mermaid was maybe 3, one of my sisters gave her a pair of green frog Wellapet boots which we could not get off her feet until she was soundly asleep.
Maybe THAT was the start of the shoe love.
Sooooo, you've probably guessed,
these boots are not the standard farm issue you fetch from the Tractor Supply Store.
they are black backgrounded with FISHIES everywhere in every shade of pink imaginable.
And those serious treads will leave a fish print with every stride and,
I hope,
put a smile on her face
and love of
the home pond,
her MamaFishy
in her heart.
I heart this!!
St. Valentine's blessings to you too Aunty Belle.
Did you check out the curls on the ear of corn? Did ya ever spin the wheel to see if you would "win" a doctor, lawyer, beggarman, thief? So funny how the imagery of the cards have changed over the years.
how delightful. i have a rather massive collection of vintage valentines. i have scanned them all and send copys for my great nieces and nephew to give out as the ones now are all tied to some dopey product or tv show. i hate that..
well, i love the boots with the fishes on the bottom.
that spin the wheel valentine was da bomb. very nice fishy! i hope YOU receive a fun valentine from somebody sweet.
glad you took a break for a little light heartedness.
Yep, the spin for your future love card is a hoot.
I took a page from your book and made some art .... sort of ... in the form of a valentine card for Mermaid ,,, thing is, no matter if the art is great or poor she doesn't care cause she feels the love if the MamaFishy makes it for her. So funny.
That little exercise in love showed me I need to get back on a drawing board and reclaim some skills!
Bout a month ago, I decided on a rainy weekend to make a drawing...um, a rather complicated drawing in perspective with 5 different vanishing points and you would not believe how busy I was with an eraser! I did finally get it correct but I had to work really hard to get there. Haven't yet taken the time to paint the drawing but maybe soon. Course that would mean getting it out from under the bed and back onto the drawing board to remind me I have unfinished business :-)
I guess for someone like you , who produces art daily, this is a comical confession!
Hope you are right and somone, will send me a cheerful valentine. Blowfish usually brings home chocolates and my favorite yellow roses .... so there is always that tradition to look forward to. I'm making him a really BIG pile of those spareribs that won't be going into any soup OR any dogs!!!!!
Oh these are delightful. Sweet and harken back to a time when life wasn't about product placement, but true wishes for a lovely day.
Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours Fishy!
great observation .. I guess the typical thing now IS about the product and not the emotion.
Hope your Saint Valentine's day will be blessed with much joy
one things for sure you aint neva gwona see a smoking fish, or any other animal, on a card again.
i love the corn.
i should re-work that with a silver queen theme ;-)
K9....uh-oh I see corny designs coming for your new roadside vegetable stand !
K9....uh-oh I see corny designs coming for your new roadside vegetable stand !
The story about those red patent leather Mary Janes is so sweet, it made me tear up. What an awesome mom you are!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Thank you from a Mama's heart! That sweet comment is a valentine to me!
Funny thing about those red patent leather mary janes...Mermaid adored them but I got called to the principals office over them!
Seems the Principal found them objectionable and not within the dress codes. I mentioned the code said "leather" but did not limit color choices and why would she object to something that spread such joy?
She asked me to "volunteer" to "set a good example" and withdraw them from Mermaid's school wardrobe.
I asked her to "volunteer" to spread a little more joy by allowing red shoes.
The following year the dress code was revised, " black, brown or navy leather shoes only, no patent leather in any color.
Mermaid did get her package yesterday and called to rave about the fishy boots ... never did take much to make the child of light and joy .. even more radiantly joyful. I am a very blessed Fishy.
I love these old valentines! Nowadays they are only used to sell some sort of TV character! Grrrr. These remind me of grade school and I heart them too.
That last paragraph touched a Troll's cold-cold heart.
glad you came on over for a little Valentine love from the Pond. And Trollman...you don't havre a cold, cold heart,
you have a beautiful one.
I'm always excited Troll, when you like my writing. Blessings to you.
You are so right! I looked at the Valentine offerings in a store this week and I was shocked at the mercenary crassness of them all . These vintage cards, to me, have a laugh out loud humor to them, except maybe that Mae West-ish fish one at the begining :-)
Troll's cold, cold heart
Started to smart
Over a Fish
Mama's wish
Troll ain't got no cold heart, jes' one he hardens up fer protection--yo!
very nice display!
Oh, you're a sweet one Fishy! I bet she loved the boots.
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