Monday, August 20, 2012

Haiku Monday: Up

Challenger lift off!
Seventy three second thrill ...
We kept looking up.

"GiddyUp" was first
Then ponies, horses,  and cars.
Ahhhh, sweet rush of life!

Childhood confusion,
" Lift up your hearts to the Lord!"
Won't I bleed to death?


czar said...

Indeed, Fishy, some things are best taken metaphorically. Nice work.

Rebecca said...

wow well done loved the challenger one brought back lots of emotions

Fleurdeleo said...

Challenger one is very poignant.

Milk River Madman said...

Have not been blogging
Searching for truth, found some here
will cry till asleep

Aunty Belle said...

dear Mercy!! I totally missed HM!

These are pitch perfect--I luves 'em!

Hey MRM!!!!!! Welcome back.