Moi, I am a RIGHT tilter myself but Blowfish is left handed so sometimes we do collide. All that aside, can you remember the heart pounding anxiety of getting it right for that eagerly awaited first kiss?
I did grow up with a Boxer nanny. Surely it is one of lifes great honors to be raised by a dog.
Wonderful haikus! I think the 2nd one is wonderful and funny. The first one combined with the photo brings out the awwwww moment. I would have never thought of McCoys and Hatfields for this theme!
Aw, some pooches are so good with children. A friend of mine just had twins and her boxer is like a little nanny dog with the babies.
I think if everyone would just agree to tilt RIGHT, we wouldn't have so many problems :o)
I am a RIGHT tilter myself but Blowfish is left handed so sometimes we do collide. All that aside,
can you remember the heart pounding anxiety of getting it right for that eagerly awaited first kiss?
I did grow up with a Boxer nanny. Surely it is one of lifes great honors to be raised by a dog.
I like the 2nd one a lot. Kiss my racing heart is a great line. And I remember seeing Romeo and Juliet in grade school. That was racy stuff back then.
OH I likes that dawgy one the best! Ain't it amazin' how pups watch over their humans?
Good luck wif' yore Haiku, Fishy!
Thanks Buzz,
It still amazes how even a sweet, simple kiss can calm a racing heart.
Universal magic.
Thanky. In our family we have had some fine, loving, guardian dogs to look after the generations.
Wonderful haikus! I think the 2nd one is wonderful and funny. The first one combined with the photo brings out the awwwww moment. I would have never thought of McCoys and Hatfields for this theme!
new post, please?
NEW post time, doan'cha think?
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