Sunday, January 4, 2009

W - - - - - - - Happen!


h said...

These were great! And what a novel theme. Happy Mute Monday!

Aunty Belle said...

Hilarious!! Not enough botox on the planet fer all these w-------

But that last photo--gah!!!!

Jenny said...

it was alllll good until the very last one. Reaching for my sunscreen. Happy New Year. :-)

sparringK9 said...

last image is a shocker! grrrherhahahahahaha! novel choice of W, fishy. happy MM

Pam said...

Happy MM! Here's hoping we all keep those wrinkles at bay as long as we can!

fishy said...

This was sooooooooo much fun to do!
I found something engaging in all the photos but the last one..... OMG!!!!!! I have 3 mighty big questions about this photo.

1st) If this was your body would you be out in public in a bikini ?????

2nd) If you follow the top bikini string around toward the front ???

3rd) Did it motivate anyone besides me to go BATHE in your most expensive wrinkle cream?

Also found the young boys expression completely understandable.

Such fun this Mute Monday game :-)

Karen said...

I loved the 3rd pic and animals are always a hit with me especially monkies. The pic of the elephant's trunk all curled up was outstanding.

Well done Fishy and Happy Mute Monday. You can tell you had a lot of fun doing it :)

Leon1234 said...

The shots are great. Each photo has something to share.

Bear said...

I didn't know rhynosorous was spelt with a 'W'.

Excellent take, and you even have a shot of my old Mama Bear at the end.

Happy MM.

fishy said...

Always nice when you come have a splash at the Pond. You liked the aging statue? Me too! Wouldn't it make a great ad for say....Avon's wrinkle creams? I read you gave up the Avon business but wow!...what an incentive to be vigillant!

Welcome to the Pond! Glad you liked the photo you I found something engaging in each image. Join us for Mute Monday's, it's good light entertainment with some clever participants.

Your Momma!
Really, after reading the comments from Aunty Belle, Boxer and K9 , I came close to responding with a comeback about my "self portrait with WRINKLES" but ultimately couldn't do it when I looked at the picture again! Happy MM....did you add a Waterford fish yet?

Anonymous said...

They do...and I'm with AB on this one. ;-)

Happy Mute Monday.

Big Shamu said...

I thought for sure Maggie Smith would have made it into this particular Mute Monday. A face no botox has ever touched.
Happy Mute Monday.

moi said...

"We all lose our charms in the end . . ." Still, no harm in tapping my foot for anti-aging breakthroughs! And loving da wrinkly ANIMALS. Happy, happy!

Vixen said...

Very fun to look through! You did an awesome job and so unique. :) I love the baby and the Shar Pei puppy.


Bunny said...

Fabulous wrinkles!

I have some too, interspersed with the acne. The hell of being 41 - the stuff you use to try to avoid the wrinkles makes the acne worse!

These are great pics - I love the Shar-Pei ones best. So cute.

Aunty Belle said...

ain't'cha got no junk???

sparringK9 said...

no princess room. looks like somebody has a REAL life. grrrrrrrherhahahaha

fishy said...

Don't lose hope! Junque post is coming this evening if I can remember to fetch home the digital camera from the office, Couldn't do it last night because it is 60 miles roundtrip from the Pond to the office .... I did leave a comment over at Belle's listing some of the known junque and BTW...I might like some of those Aunty scarves but not them "tongue depressor" shoes!

On the Princess nailed it...real life and the holidays altered my schedule. I AM eager to do the Princess Rooms/Personal Retreats and hopefully will get to it this weekend IF it doesn't take the entire weekend to do my storefront reset!

Looking forward to your junque posting!

sparringK9 said...

okay fishy. we'll let it slide just this once. i got a feeling your junks gonna be good junk.

NYD said...

wow. I feel like I have stayed in the bath too long.

Cool use of "W"